Mimi Dawg's Photography
In Dr. Elias’ spare time, and sometimes when she is working, she can be seen snapping pictures of anything furry or feathered, as well as an occasional human! This sister company to Creekside Animal Hospital is known as Mimi Dawg’s Photography, named after Miss Mimi, one of Dr. E’s beloved golden retrievers that passed away in the spring of 2018. Miss Mimi was always a good sport and willing model as long as there were plenty of cookies that followed after every click of the camera’s shutter button! You will also see MDP’s photos of our sweet patients frequently post on Creekside’s Facebook page and Instagram. Wherever there is a sweet furry face around, she will probably be reaching for her camera.
If she can get more “free” time, Dr. E would like to grow her photography business and spend more time creating lasting memories for her patients’ parents.